A Weekend on the PCT - Part 3

The final stretch into Anza, the home of the famed Paradise Valley Cafe. I encountered by first rattle snake! We quickly said hello to each other and hurried off in opposite directions.

I had a few issues with my feet during this stretch and decided to switch to my Xero sandals. I think Ii’m officially converted to hiking in sandals!

I spent my lunch hour meeting Mary at, you guessed it, Mary’s Place! She’s a wonderful host and has created such a wonderful haven for thru-hikers and riders. The space includes all the necessary hiker amenities including a water tank, toilet, picnic table, and even a small library with lightweight reading material! Such a gem.

I was sad to leave the trail at the end of this small return. Hopefully when the state of COVID has been contained I’ll be able to return more fully. Until then, happy trails.


Avion Ridge Day Hike in Waterton Lakes National Park


A Weekend on the PCT - Part 2